
Lirik Lagu Happy Birthday, Menandakan 22 Tahun Perjalanan Musik Mocca - ShowBiz

, Jakarta - Tak terasa perjalanan musik Mocca sudah sampai 22 tahun. Di hari ulang tahunnya, Mocca meluncurkan single berjudul "Happy Birthday".

Lagu "Happy Birthday" terdapat dalam mini album Funfair.

Mocca menjelaskan bahwa album Funfair merupakan representasi bagaimana perjalanan mereka bermusik hampir tiga dekade.

Berikut lirik lagu "Happy Birthday" milik Mocca.



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2 dari 2 halaman

Lirik Happy Birthday

Hello, my dear

Happy birthday to you

Have a surprise for you

Happy birthday to you


Hello, my dear

Happy birthday to you

I wrote this song for you

Happy birthday to you




Wish you’re happy all the time

Everything will be just fine

I hope that you’ll always shine

Remember don't forget to smile


Hello, my dear

Happy birthday to you

Have a surprise to you

Happy birthday to you


Hello, my dear

Happy birthday to you

I wrote this song for you

Happy birthday to you




Selamat ulang tahun

Semoga panjang umur

Kau s’lalu ku doakan

Sehat dan bahagia


Wish you’re happy all the time

Everything will be just fine

I hope that you’ll always shine

Remember don't forget to smile


Wish you’re happy all the time

Everything will be just fine

I hope that you will always shine

Remember don't forget to smile



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