
Begini Jadinya Kalau 10 Gambar Karya Bocah Ada di Kehidupan Nyata - Citizen6

, Jakarta Menggambar merupakan salah satu kegiatan yang disukai oleh anak-anak. Bukan hanya sebagai hiburan yang positif, menggambar juga memiliki manfaat yang dapat meningkatkan tumbuh kembang anak.

Beberapa manfaat dari menggambar adalah dapat melatih kecerdasan motorik, meningkatkan memori, mengembangkan kemampuan berkomunikasi, melatih kesabaran, hingga dapat mengatasi trauma.

BACA JUGA: VIDEO: Ngakak! Bocah Lomba Tarik Tambang Malah Bantu Tim Lawan

Anak-anak tentu masih dalam tahap belajar untuk menciptakan gambar yang bagus. Alih-alih hasilnya sempurna, tak jarang gambar justru terlihat absurd.

Hal ini pula yang terjadi pada anak-anak Tom, yaitu Al dan Dom. Namun, Tom mengubah hasil gambar anak-anaknya menjadi kocak dengan mengimajinasikan objeknya ke dalam dunia nyata. Penasaran? Berikut adalah 10 potretnya dirangkum dari Instagram @thingsihavedrawn.


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2 dari 11 halaman

Apa bisa jalan kalau bentuk kakinya begitu?

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My little pony, skinny and bony. ___ This little chap, a Shetland pony foal, was photographed at Whipsnade Zoo near where we live in England. And the wonderful drawing was done by little Facundo, sent in by @linaleluz. I love his skinny legs. ___ @zslwhipsnadezoo #thingsihavedrawn #thingsihavedrawnatthezoo #shetlandpony

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3 dari 11 halaman

Terlihat lucu dan sedikit menyeramkan

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Perhaps it was silly to nibble the biscuit. But in the end, I decided to risk it. ___ (Bad idea.) The boys and I had fun with this one - more #thingsihavebaked than #thingsihavedrawn. I’ll be honest though - I actually created a 5-carousel series showing the head slowly being eaten, but this is a family-friendly instagram page, and it all became a bit too gruesome. After all, I wouldn’t want such a handsome and friendly guy to give anyone nightmares or anything. Maybe I’ll stick it on tiktok.com/@thingsihavedrawn before it gets banned. ___ #biscuit #gingerbreadman

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4 dari 11 halaman

Anjing berkaki ayam

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Move on everyone - there’s nothing to see. Just a dog. With bird’s legs. Up in a tree. ___ (There is really! It’s Felix the dog, drawn by the very talented Emily, who’s 6.) #thingsihavedrawn #thingsihavedrawnathome #dog #kidsdrawing

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5 dari 11 halaman

Sapi dengan susu yang melimpah

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Some of our creations make me shudder. (Especially those with a droopy udder.) ___ #thingsihavedrawn #cow #kidsdrawings

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6 dari 11 halaman

Justru terlihat menakutkan

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#ad Look where we are - it’s Iceland of course. What shall we draw? Oh look – there’s a horse. __ Hi everyone. Becky here again, the boys’ mum. So, did you guess it? That’s right – it was Reykjavik in that last post, the capital of Iceland. You might have, by now, seen the Instagram Story we’ve posted, with loads of amazing things we’ve done. But one thing we haven’t done, is seen many animals. It turns out that over the winter it gets so cold that even the sheep and the cows are tucked up inside. But at least there are a few horses around. And this one certainly doesn’t seem at all bothered about the temperature. What a happy chap. #wewhotravel #thingsihavedrawn @hotelsdotcom

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7 dari 11 halaman

Masih bisa disebut panda nggak ya?

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Tomorrow is Wildlife Conservation Day. Save all the animals - that’s what we say! ____ Tell us which animals you want to save. ____ #thingsihavedrawn @wwf @wnfnederland #wildlifeconservation #wildlifeconservationday #panda #jungle #pandas #idrawwhatisaw

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8 dari 11 halaman

Masih bisa makan nggak ya dengan leher sekecil itu?

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I bet you didn't think that the next thing I'd draw would be an escapee scarlet macaw. ________________ Hi everyone. Tom here, Dom and Al's dad. In a little under 6 weeks our book 'Things I Have Drawn at the Zoo' is coming out and we're really looking forward to introducing you to all the new animals (and a few other weird things) the boys have created for it. Here's a sneak peek at just one of birds from the zoo exhibit called 'Feathery Friends'. How lucky we were that it hovered above our heads just as Dom finished his drawing! Oh, and by the way, I've realised it might actually be a red-and-green macaw, not a scarlet macaw. (But that was too many syllables!) 'Things I Have Drawn at the Zoo' is available to pre-order from the link in our bio. More weird and hopefully funny creatures coming soon! #thingsihavedrawn #macaw #parrot #greenandredmacaw #WHPdynamic

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9 dari 11 halaman

Leher yang berbunga

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Hi everyone. Tom here, Dom and Al's dad. Some of you will know that we've posted a couple of images for @wnfnederland in the past few months. First a shark by 5 year old Cato, and then an elephant by Olivia who's 3. Here's the third one in the series - an amazing lion by Roos, aged 7. What a great mane! @wwf @world_wildlife #lion #thingsihavedrawn #kidsdrawings

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10 dari 11 halaman

Terlihat normal di gambar

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Here's a new photo of me and my dad. (I'm the one standing behind the sketchpad). For this weekend's project on 'imitation', Dad's pulled a face like the drawing I've done. #WHPimitation #thingsihavedrawn #meandmydad #ps_movement

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11 dari 11 halaman

Kalau begini, gimana caranya kura-kura melihat?

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In our Instagram Story, we gave you a choice: And by just one vote - you voted Tortoise! ___ It’s true everyone. Quite remarkable that it really couldn’t have been any closer. Thanks to everyone who voted. And thanks to Lucille for her brilliant drawings. What shall we draw next I wonder? ___ #thingsihavedrawn #tortoise #kidsdrawings #kidsdrawing #idrawwhatisaw

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