
8 Wanita Korban Kekerasan Berunjuk Gigi di Survivors Runway - Lifestyle

, Jakarta Kasus kekerasan terhadap wanita masih kerap kali terjadi hampir di seluruh dunia. Namun pernahkah Anda mendengar kasus kekerasan yang melukai korbannya dengan menyiramkan air keras ke tubuh mereka?. Kasus seperti ini seringkali terjadi wilayah Bangladesh. Banyak wanita yang menjadi korban kebrutalan serangan air keras, hingga menarik perhatian ActionAid, salah satu organisasi sosial internasional.


On Tuesday, I managed to attend the Survivors' Runway. A fashionshow where eight survivors of acid attacks from Bangladesh walked the runway and raised their voices for survivors of violence, and breaking the culture of silence for all women and girls who live in fear of violence. Hosted by ActionAid, the models wore richly colourful designs by Bibi Russell. Celebrating the courage and resilience of those who speak out against gender-based violence. It was a truly humbling, and incredibly uplifting evening. . . #withwomensurvivors @actionaiduk #survivorsrunway #actionaid #london #fashionrunway #bangladesh #fashionshow #bibirussell #bangladeshi #acidattack #rodweyphotography.com

Sebuah kiriman dibagikan oleh rodwey2004 (@rodwey2004) pada

Dilansir dari Cosmpolitan, Kamis (19/10/17), sebanyak delapan orang korban serangan asam ini terbang dari Bangladesh ke London untuk ikut ambil bagian dalam acara Survivors Runway yang diselenggarakan oleh ActionAid. Acara ini bertujuan untuk menyoroti kebrutalan kekerasan terhadap wanita dan anak yang kerap kali terjadi di dunia.

Survivors Runway


The amazing Ganga on @actionaiduk survivors runway last night. She was attacked with acid when she was 17 for rejecting a marriage proposal. She lost all hope to live. But yet, last night she joined seven other acid attack survivors & led this fashion show with a difference to stand up against violence against women in all of its forms. These survivors visual scars represent the violence perpetrated by men that is so often hidden. I will never stop thinking & being inspired by these amazing, courageous & strong women. All of whom have visual scars that are a daily reminder of the trauma they have experienced, but they continue to fight j their inner and outer beauty shines. They told me it's about looking forward not backwards. Ganga is now a successful business women, who has been raising her voice to stand #withwomensurvivors. They are not victims. They are survivors. Ever in awe of you Jasmen. Ganga. Nuhar. Nur. Sonali. Safura. Nur Islam. Begum.

Sebuah kiriman dibagikan oleh Claire Wilkinson (@clezzawilks) pada

 Para korban ini didandani layaknya seperti seorang model dan mengenakan gaun berwarna-warni rancangan Bibi Russell. Kemudian mereka berjalan di atas panggung catwalk sambil diiringi musik. Tidak hanya sekedar untuk menyoroti para korban air keras, acara ini juga dimaksudkan untuk mematahkan stigma sosial yang melekat pada mereka. Meski wajah dan tubuh mereka luka, mereka masih bisa melanjutkan dan melakukan apa yang ingin dicapai dalam hidup mereka.

(Latifah Gusri)



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